Saturday, May 24, 2008

How to Be a Red Hot Positive Thinker

How To Be A Red Hot Positive Thinker
By Michael Lee

You only need to know ONE word to become a red-hot positive thinker and be an optimism magnet. You must make sure that this word stays in your vocabulary for a long time. Before I reveal to you that one single word, let me acquaint you first with the three words that perpetuate negativity. Why do people indulge on negative thoughts? There is no need for rocket science principles here. Has it ever occurred to you that it is easier to become a negative person than a positive one? People indulge in negative thoughts mainly because IT IS EASY; and there are 3 simple steps involved here.

Finding Faults.

According to T. Harv Eker, "whoever can point to as many people and circumstances without ever looking at himself is declared the winner!" When caught in a bind, some people easily point to someone else. It is the always the other person's fault. They take the easy way out instead of taking responsibility and finding solutions to the problem at hand. They blame their parents for being the child they became, they blame their spouse for making them feel unloved, they blame their boss for the project that bombed, they blame their officemates for spreading gossip about them. They blame credit card companies for their numerous debts, they blame the sun for the uncomfortable heat, and they blame the wind for ruining their hair. What's next to blame?

Making Excuses.

In this case, some people use their creativity to come up with innovative reasons and excuses just to get off the hook! In work situations, some people would come up with excuses just to avoid doing the task assigned. Others would claim that the task is difficult or not within their line of expertise. Some would rationalize that it is hard to initiate change even before trying it out first! Their mindset is wired to give up easily. They would rather find one hundred reasons why it cannot be done, instead of finding reasons why it is worthy to purpose.

Whining Constantly.

This refers to complainers who are dead set in finding the negative side of things. Whiners have difficulty in finding happiness in life, for they focus on what they do not have, instead of being thankful for what they have. When people are complaining, they magnify and focus on what is wrong in their lives. When they complain about lack of money, that is what precisely will manifest in their lives.

There you have it, the 3 simple and easy steps for perpetuating negativity.

For a long time, people have been indulging on negativity. Many of us, in one way or another and at any point in our lives, have engaged in negative thoughts. The uncontrolled mind becomes the perfect breeding ground for pessimistic thoughts. Everyday, negative programming is being bombarded into our subconscious.We already have lots of practice. To some, negativity is a way of life. Some infants are born to negative families. They are sensitive enough to absorb the prevailing atmosphere of the family. They easily imbibe the mental and emotional characteristics of the mother and the father since they are their first teachers. They grow up into teenagers and adults with negative mental attitudes then later on become parents themselves.

Some find comfort in the company of friends who indulge in negative thinking. "Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are." "Birds of the same feather flock together." This accounts for man's need to belong to a group. Peers have a major influence on some people's thoughts and decisions.So now you ask me,"What is the ONE word I need to know to become a red-hot positive thinker?"

That one simple word is STOP.
STOP finding faults.
STOP making excuses.
STOP whining.

Have a positively great day!

About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of How to be a Red Hot Persuasion Wizard... in 20 days or less, an ebook that reveals mind-altering persuasion techniques on how to tremendously enhance your relationships, create unlimited wealth, and get anything you want...just like magic. Get a sample chapter and highly-stimulating "Get What You Want" advice at:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Try It On Everything -- EFT Movie

This message comes from Joe Vitale of The Secret.
Here are his words:

One of the movies I'm in just went for
sale. It's called "Try It On Everything."

In it various teachers describe how EFT
-- the tapping process called Emotional
Freedom Techniques -- can be used on,
well, everything.

And I mean everything.

From allergies to pain to trauma to just
about anything you can name, EFT can
help. If you don't believe me, get this DVD
and see for yourself. It's very convincing.

And since EFT is so simple to do -- you
just tap certain parts of your body while
saying certain statements -- and doesn't
cost anything, you should at least check it out.


Some of the conditions EFT has helped
with include:

Fears and Phobias

Pain Management

Weight Loss / Eating Disorders

Addictions and Obsessions

Allergy Relief / Allergies

Trauma / Abuse

Insomnia / Sleep Problems

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Asthma Relief

Tension Headaches & Migraine Headache

Relationship Problems

Vision Issues

Learning and Study Problems

Self-Esteem Issues

Rage and Anger Management

Performance Anxiety (Public Speaking / Sports /
Theatrical & Musical Performances)


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Attention Deficit Disorders - ADD-ADHD

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

High (or Low) Blood Pressure

Diabetes / Neuropathy

Fear of Flying




Some of the teachers you may know in this movie
(besides me) include:

Jack Canfield - Co-Creator of "Chicken Soup for the
Soul" Best-selling Series

Cheryl Richardson - Personal Coaching Pioneer

Bob Proctor - Author and Success Mentor

Dr. Patricia Carrington - EFT Expert

Dr. Joseph Mercola - Founder Optimal Wellness Center

Carol Look - EFT and Attracting Abundance Expert

Bruce Lipton - Cellular Biologist and Author

Joe Vitale - Who? :) Author of "The Attractor Factor"

Dr. Norman Shealy - Pain Specialist and Holistic Physician

Rick Wilkes - Founder of Thriving Now and EFT Practitioner

Brad Yates- Peak Performance and EFT Coach

Fred Gallo, Ph.D. - Author, Clinical Psychologist

Dawson Church , Ph.D. - Author, Publisher and Energy
Medicine Expert

Carol Tuttle - Author, Abundance Expert

David Rourke - EFT Addictions Specialist

Donna Eden - Author, "Energy Medicine"

Obviously, this is a DVD you should get for yourself
and others. For every one you buy, the makers of
the DVD will send one to a jail, school, or hospital.

Let's support this DVD and get it into the hands
of those who are in pain, hurting, suffering, and
need a way out.

Again, get the DVD at --



PS - You can watch the short trailer for the movie at --

Note: Please forward this email to family and friends,
post it on your blog and other groups, and in any way
you can share this news with the world. I don't make
a cent from the sales of the DVD. I'm just trying to
help the world lighten its load. Please join me in this.
Thank you. I love you.


Joe is so modest. He is also the author of his own
popular EFT package: Money Beyond Belief