Thursday, December 18, 2008

Things get a little crazy this time of year ...Wouldn't you like to relax from holiday turmoiland stress?

My good friend, Dr. Patrick Porter, would like to gift you with an audio creative visualization to help you copewith any stress and insomnia you may be experiencing. Patrick is one of the world leaders inMind Techology and has developed over 300 Creative Visualization Sessions on virtually everyconceivable topic!Just in time for the holidays, Patrick has allowedme to give you a Very Special Gift, so you too can experience enlightened change, focus, and inner strength...

You will be guided into the realm of infinite possibility where you can master the activities of the day and you will learn how to handle stress at its peak.Through this guided imagery program, you will discover easy ways to stop and regroup. Best of all you can get results by listening in the morning, afternoon or right before bed - allowing you toachieve a deeply refreshing night's sleep.

Just go here:

Enjoy and many blessings,

Ron Peer

Monday, October 20, 2008

Law of Attraction Dating Site

Hello Friend,

Here's a fun one ... A site that I stumbled across ...

That's right, a dating site for the Law of Attraction.

Ha! What will they think of next?

It won't work for me because I'm married ... but how about you?

Blessings -- Ron



Looking for that someone special?

Well, get your membership now to Law of Attraction Singles for_free!
At LawOfAttractionSingles, they have well over 14,000 single
people interested in the Law of Attraction and looking for love.

Try out the no-cost membership here:

Since 2000 they have been helping members around the world
apply "The Law of Attraction" and other Unity and Science of
Mind principles to meet their perfect romantic partners.
True love IS possible and absolutely guaranteed when you
follow basic universal laws.

Imagine for a moment what your life will look and feel like
when you've attracted YOUR special someone - someone
you instantly relate to ... someone who shares your passion
for spiritual growth...someone to co-create an amazing life
with - filled with love.

Check out the success stories to show that love is found every
day at LawOfAttractionSingles - for any age or lifestyle.
You now have the opportunity to create a relationship that is
filled with excitement, joy, respect, love, desire, romance and
real magic.

In a quick 2-minute process you can create your own free_membership and then browse the members profiles and photos immediately.

Do you know someone who is single and interested in the
law of attraction? Share this with them. Here's the link below.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Ten-Minute Toner

Okay, I know this is a bit off topic but I was approached by an inventor with a health/workout product that I couldn't resist getting involved with. It has to do with the secrets of the Tarahumara Indians and kung fu. Check it out here:


Ron Peer

Monday, September 22, 2008

Law of Attraction Amazon Recommendations

I've created a page of Law of Attraction recommendations at

Check it out here:

Ron's Recommendations



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What do the Rich and Famous Know that You Don't?

I ran across this article while I was doing some research
on visualization. It links to Valerie Dawson's site, which is
a commercial site, but she makes a convincing argument
as to why visualization doesn't work for a lot of people.

Blessings -- Ron


What do the Rich and Famous Know that You Don't?

By Valerie Dawson

By now you've tried it all. And I mean ALL.

You've read all the books.

You've listened to talks.

You've done your affirmations.

You've written down your goals.

You've tried to "think positive."

You've visualized your goals.

You've tried it all, and quite frankly, you're wondering if all this positive thinking stuff is a bunch of baloney.

It seems like you've tried it all, yet you are still unhappy with at least one area of your life.

You wish there was an easier way to reach your goals, to have more success, prosperity, love, health, time, freedom, and fun.

You wonder, "Does it all really work?"

But yet, there is a part of you that believes that there must be a hidden secret that you haven't quite discovered yet. Perhaps there is a hidden key that will finally allow you to unlock your inner potential...

You think, maybe if you just search a bit longer, you'll finally discover the secret to create the life that you really want. You've been searching and searching...because you haven't given up on yourself. You hope that you'll find the secret key one day.

The fact is that you've always had this power inside you - you just didn't know how to use it!

Nobody has ever taught you the easy way of how to tap into your own power.

The super wealthy use it. The top athletes use it. Movie stars use it. In fact all peak performers use it!

That power is called visualization. I know, I know, you've tried to visualize before, and it didn't to very well did it? Let me guess...

Your mind wandered off ...

You fell asleep ...

You forgot to keep doing it ...

You had trouble making mental pictures in your mind.

You tried a few times and you gave up...

That is, it was just too difficult to do it all by yourself - especially when you're just learning and practicing. But the Olympic medalists, highest paid athletes, movie stars and billionaires are
successful because they found an easier way to do it.

What Do The Rich And Famous Know That You Don't?

They hired coaches, hypnotists and psychologists to guide them.

That's right. Tiger Woods, Ellen Degeneres, Charlie Sheen, Drew Barrymore, Matt Damon, and Billy Joel all paid someone else to guide them. These famous people and thousands of others, all hired professionals to help them tap into the power of their minds!

They didn't sit there all by themselves and "just visualize."

That's too hard. Plus, it's often ineffective, just as you know from first hand experience. Instead, these famous athletes and movie stars paid a professional to help them to visualize more clearly. And it worked!

You see how they have achieved their goals and are super-successful!

But most of us can't afford to spend thousands of dollars to hire someone.

Plus, how do you find someone who is really qualified?

The truth is that if you can get really good at visualizing your dreams, you can rapidly accelerate making those dreams come true. Visualizing your goals as if they are already complete helps your brain to:

1. Activate your subconscious creative power, causing your brain to generate all kinds of wonderful creative ideas which will help you to move closer to making your dreams a reality.

2. Activate your power of attraction. Like a magnet, you will attract into your life the resources, circumstances, and connections to people needed to accomplish what you desire.

3. Fire up your motivation. You'll be persistent and continue to take positive steps to quickly achieve your goals.

Read the rest here: THE HIDDEN SECRET


This message brought to you by:

Ron Peer
Secrets of The Secret
The Secret Visualization
The Secret Course
Studying The Secret (Resource Page)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Free Manifesting Report

Hello Friend,

I've got something special for you today.

A Free_Manifesting_Report from Law of Attraction Expert Gary Evans.

It's yours for the taking here:

Okay, Gary does promote his book at the end of the 16-page report, that's true. That's why he's giving away this valuable information. He hopes you'll take a look at his complete book.

Here's what's in the report:

● The Three Step Manifestation Formula Fully Disclosed
● One Golden Method To Work Out What You're Currently Attracting
● The Quickest Way To Receiving More Stuff.
● Two "Secret" Methods Of Manifestation Finally Revealed!
● How To Breakthrough The "It Doesn't Work" Barrier Once And For Good!
● Why Asking... "Where's My Stuff?" Will Hold You Apart From Materialization

Once again that link is:

Enjoy with my compliments and many blessings,


Secrets of The Secret
The Secret Visualization
The Secret Course
Studying The Secret (Resource Page)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

How to Be a Red Hot Positive Thinker

How To Be A Red Hot Positive Thinker
By Michael Lee

You only need to know ONE word to become a red-hot positive thinker and be an optimism magnet. You must make sure that this word stays in your vocabulary for a long time. Before I reveal to you that one single word, let me acquaint you first with the three words that perpetuate negativity. Why do people indulge on negative thoughts? There is no need for rocket science principles here. Has it ever occurred to you that it is easier to become a negative person than a positive one? People indulge in negative thoughts mainly because IT IS EASY; and there are 3 simple steps involved here.

Finding Faults.

According to T. Harv Eker, "whoever can point to as many people and circumstances without ever looking at himself is declared the winner!" When caught in a bind, some people easily point to someone else. It is the always the other person's fault. They take the easy way out instead of taking responsibility and finding solutions to the problem at hand. They blame their parents for being the child they became, they blame their spouse for making them feel unloved, they blame their boss for the project that bombed, they blame their officemates for spreading gossip about them. They blame credit card companies for their numerous debts, they blame the sun for the uncomfortable heat, and they blame the wind for ruining their hair. What's next to blame?

Making Excuses.

In this case, some people use their creativity to come up with innovative reasons and excuses just to get off the hook! In work situations, some people would come up with excuses just to avoid doing the task assigned. Others would claim that the task is difficult or not within their line of expertise. Some would rationalize that it is hard to initiate change even before trying it out first! Their mindset is wired to give up easily. They would rather find one hundred reasons why it cannot be done, instead of finding reasons why it is worthy to purpose.

Whining Constantly.

This refers to complainers who are dead set in finding the negative side of things. Whiners have difficulty in finding happiness in life, for they focus on what they do not have, instead of being thankful for what they have. When people are complaining, they magnify and focus on what is wrong in their lives. When they complain about lack of money, that is what precisely will manifest in their lives.

There you have it, the 3 simple and easy steps for perpetuating negativity.

For a long time, people have been indulging on negativity. Many of us, in one way or another and at any point in our lives, have engaged in negative thoughts. The uncontrolled mind becomes the perfect breeding ground for pessimistic thoughts. Everyday, negative programming is being bombarded into our subconscious.We already have lots of practice. To some, negativity is a way of life. Some infants are born to negative families. They are sensitive enough to absorb the prevailing atmosphere of the family. They easily imbibe the mental and emotional characteristics of the mother and the father since they are their first teachers. They grow up into teenagers and adults with negative mental attitudes then later on become parents themselves.

Some find comfort in the company of friends who indulge in negative thinking. "Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are." "Birds of the same feather flock together." This accounts for man's need to belong to a group. Peers have a major influence on some people's thoughts and decisions.So now you ask me,"What is the ONE word I need to know to become a red-hot positive thinker?"

That one simple word is STOP.
STOP finding faults.
STOP making excuses.
STOP whining.

Have a positively great day!

About the Author:
Michael Lee is the author of How to be a Red Hot Persuasion Wizard... in 20 days or less, an ebook that reveals mind-altering persuasion techniques on how to tremendously enhance your relationships, create unlimited wealth, and get anything you want...just like magic. Get a sample chapter and highly-stimulating "Get What You Want" advice at:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Try It On Everything -- EFT Movie

This message comes from Joe Vitale of The Secret.
Here are his words:

One of the movies I'm in just went for
sale. It's called "Try It On Everything."

In it various teachers describe how EFT
-- the tapping process called Emotional
Freedom Techniques -- can be used on,
well, everything.

And I mean everything.

From allergies to pain to trauma to just
about anything you can name, EFT can
help. If you don't believe me, get this DVD
and see for yourself. It's very convincing.

And since EFT is so simple to do -- you
just tap certain parts of your body while
saying certain statements -- and doesn't
cost anything, you should at least check it out.


Some of the conditions EFT has helped
with include:

Fears and Phobias

Pain Management

Weight Loss / Eating Disorders

Addictions and Obsessions

Allergy Relief / Allergies

Trauma / Abuse

Insomnia / Sleep Problems

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Asthma Relief

Tension Headaches & Migraine Headache

Relationship Problems

Vision Issues

Learning and Study Problems

Self-Esteem Issues

Rage and Anger Management

Performance Anxiety (Public Speaking / Sports /
Theatrical & Musical Performances)


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Attention Deficit Disorders - ADD-ADHD

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

High (or Low) Blood Pressure

Diabetes / Neuropathy

Fear of Flying




Some of the teachers you may know in this movie
(besides me) include:

Jack Canfield - Co-Creator of "Chicken Soup for the
Soul" Best-selling Series

Cheryl Richardson - Personal Coaching Pioneer

Bob Proctor - Author and Success Mentor

Dr. Patricia Carrington - EFT Expert

Dr. Joseph Mercola - Founder Optimal Wellness Center

Carol Look - EFT and Attracting Abundance Expert

Bruce Lipton - Cellular Biologist and Author

Joe Vitale - Who? :) Author of "The Attractor Factor"

Dr. Norman Shealy - Pain Specialist and Holistic Physician

Rick Wilkes - Founder of Thriving Now and EFT Practitioner

Brad Yates- Peak Performance and EFT Coach

Fred Gallo, Ph.D. - Author, Clinical Psychologist

Dawson Church , Ph.D. - Author, Publisher and Energy
Medicine Expert

Carol Tuttle - Author, Abundance Expert

David Rourke - EFT Addictions Specialist

Donna Eden - Author, "Energy Medicine"

Obviously, this is a DVD you should get for yourself
and others. For every one you buy, the makers of
the DVD will send one to a jail, school, or hospital.

Let's support this DVD and get it into the hands
of those who are in pain, hurting, suffering, and
need a way out.

Again, get the DVD at --



PS - You can watch the short trailer for the movie at --

Note: Please forward this email to family and friends,
post it on your blog and other groups, and in any way
you can share this news with the world. I don't make
a cent from the sales of the DVD. I'm just trying to
help the world lighten its load. Please join me in this.
Thank you. I love you.


Joe is so modest. He is also the author of his own
popular EFT package: Money Beyond Belief

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Law Of Attraction And Your Thoughts

The Law Of Attraction And Your Thoughts
By Pete Koerner

The Law of Attraction isn't a "thing" that works for some people and not for others; nor is it something that works sometimes, but not at other times. The Law of Attraction is simply a way of explaining, or putting into words, what happens with your thoughts -- and where our physical reality seems to come from, or how it appears to unfold. The Law of Attraction, in other words, is all about your thoughts and what they do; and they were "doing" it long before anyone decided to hang a name on the phenomenon.

All cultures are full of sayings and reminders that it is "the thought that counts," and that "we are formed and molded by our thoughts." Indeed, it is the thoughts we select, or choose to dwell upon, that guide our actions and shape our reality. It isn't a question of whether or not the Law of Attraction is "real," or not; the only question is how well you understand the Law, and what you spend your time thinking about. The Law is real; if you don't understand it, you are at the mercy of your environment instead of being the creator you were born to be.

Your thoughts do two-important things where the Law of Attraction -- or whatever you call it -- is concerned. First, your thoughts determine your mood; and your mood determines how "attractive" you are. In other words, our thoughts make us happy, sad, angry, afraid, and worried, among other things. Our emotions are created as a result of, and in accordance with, our thoughts. Happy thoughts make you feel happy; and, when you feel happy, you are more outgoing and "attractive" to people and situations.

Sad thoughts, on the other hand, depress your energy and make you "un-attractive;" not to mention the fact that they stress you out and negatively impact your health. The better your mood, or the "higher" your Spirits, the more creative and resourceful you are capable of being; and this is all determined by your thoughts and thought processes. So, what are you thinking about, and how is it making you feel inside? Now look around you and think about what you see and how your mood is affecting your perception of it.

Once you've figured out how to think positive thoughts, or happy thoughts, in order to create an attractive mental, emotional, and physical state, you can then use your thoughts to determine or specify what it is you'd like to attract. Thinking about what you want leads to emotions and inspiration which could move you in the direction of the realization of your dream or desire. There seems to be an almost magical property at work, whereby we are drawn together with the object of our thoughts and desire; but, magical or not, thinking is necessary no matter what it is you hope to accomplish.

So, spend some time thinking about thinking -- and thinking about the thoughts you are thinking. Think thoughts that make you happy; and only think about things you wish to do, be, or have. Because, you will always get what you want, what you need, or some version of what you are thinking and feeling. Your thoughts are important; as Ernest Holmes said, "Thoughts are things." Choose your thoughts carefully in order to create the ideal emotional conditions for yourself. Then, think about what you want in positive terms and as much detail as you can manage. Spend some time meditating on positive thoughts about what you want; and spend the rest of your time listening to and following your inspirations -- they'll lead you to your dreams. Just think about it.

Pete Koerner, author of The Belief Formula

*For a Free Report on Making The Belief Formula Work for You, visit:

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Studying The Secret

Just updated my resource page about THE SECRET. View it here:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hello Friend,
Here's another quick reminder about how debilitating our beliefs about money can be.

Blessings -- Ron


Debunking the Myths of Money
by Adam Khoo

The truth is that many of these beliefs and attitudes that some people hold have about
money are nothing but inaccurate generalizations and excuses that keep them from living
a truly a happy and wealthy life. In order to truly align your mind to wealth creation, you
must debunk these negative myths and really look at the facts...

Myth: Having a lot of money will change you (into a bad person).

Fact: Money is a personality magnifier. It brings out the true person within you. If you are
a selfish and nasty person by nature, having money will make you even more nasty and
selfish. However, if you are a kind, generous and loving person deep down inside, money
will magnify your goodness.

Myth: Money isn't everything.

Fact: This is the top excuse given by poor people who are in denial. The truth is that
everything is money. Without money, you cannot maximize other important values such
as family, career, health, spirituality and relationships.

Myth: Money will make you less spiritual

Fact: If you are by nature a spiritual person, having money will allow you to touch more
lives and help you do more of god's work. In fact, the wealthiest people in the world are
extremely spiritual. Not having to worry about money anymore allows many of the rich
to focus on the more important things in life. Many truly wealthy people believe they
don't own their money. They are just custodians of God's wealth.

Myth: Rich people are materialistic. They worship money.

Fact: It is the people who lack money who worship it. Who works all day, year after year
in a job which they hate, just for the money? Who are those who constantly sacrifice their
health and family to make more money?

In fact, the rich rarely work because of money. They work because of passion and a sense
of personal mission. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Lucas, Michael Jordan & Steve Jobs
certainly don't work for money...they don't need to.

Myth: To have more money, I will be depriving others of it.

Fact: When you become rich, you actually create more wealth for other people. Wealth
multiplies into more wealth. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world because he has created
the most value in people's lives through the creation of Microsoft and Windows. Because of
his invention, so many more millionaires have been created as a result. Think about it, if
Microsoft Windows, Word and Excel did not exist, would you have been able to create as
much wealth as you have today?

Myth: Money is the 'root of all evil'.

Fact: The lack of money is the root of all evil. The number one cause of murder, cheating,
stealing, lying is poverty (the lack of money)

Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a self-made millionaire by the age of
26. Discover his million dollar secrets and claim your FREE bonus report "Get Out Of The
Rat Race Now" at Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires (

Monday, April 07, 2008

Are You One of The 45% Who Will Get Out of The Rat Race THIS YEAR By Using Meditation?

by Annette Sassou

Are you trying to juggle family and career, just to become totally burned out?

Did you work your butt off for years at your job hoping to get a promotion only to see someone else get it?

Maybe you are exhausted by the constant arguments with your spouse and all you want is a loving relationship with him.

It is hard to be in such a situation and you might ask yourself, “How did I get here?”

You could begin to try many of the “standard” methods of reaching your goals of a better career or personal life. The specialists will tell you that these are the “tried and true” ways, taught by the so called “experts”. Every one of them will promise to change your life and that you will be a huge success in no time.

Does this sound familiar?

You read their books and attended their costly seminars.

They will also state that you need to create a plan of action.

This apparently is to keep you on course while trying to figure out what you want.

Regardless of the fact that you don’t really know what your true calling is, you still attempt to “work the system.” Likely, you will find yourself straying from your plan on an almost daily basis. If you get somewhere close to your goal, then you will probably decide that this is good enough “for now” and go do something else.

In the end, it won’t help you all that much and you will easily fall back into your old routines.

Ultimately, you probably will be stuck in your terrible job, your social life will consist of one fight after the other with your spouse and your energy hits rock bottom. This can be very discouraging and you will know that it is not the way you want to live.
You will eventually ask yourself, “There has to be a better way.”

Fortunately, there is an answer in the incredible power of meditation. If you want to begin this experience for yourself right now, try the following:

Set aside 10 to 15 minutes sometime before you go to bed;

Find a quiet place with absolutely no distractions;

Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes;

Empty your mind of all your daily concerns by visualizing how you put them in a box next to you and concentrate on your breathing;

Count yourself down from 5 to 1; With every breath take all the positive energy in and with every breath out let go of all the negative energy;

Take slow deep breaths and systematically relax each part of your body, starting with your head and ending with your feet;

As your muscles relax you will feel all of the stress flow out and be left with a completely relaxed sensation throughout your body.

See yourself in a peaceful place like a park, the beach, the forest or the mountains. Wherever you’d like to be in this moment.

Whenever you like count yourself up from 1 to 5

That’s it.

If you do this on a daily basis you will notice that you feel well rested the next day.(Instead of having yet another sleepless night)
You also will find that your mind opens up to new ideas to tackle your issues. Maybe you’ll get an inspiration for a new idea.

This is just the beginning and it doesn’t even scratch the surface of what you can accomplish with meditation!

Learning advanced techniques of meditation is quite easy to do if you have a great teacher and it doesn’t take long to master.
Best of all, you only need to go through a few simple lessons to begin seeing a difference!

It will definitely change the way you interact with the world and give you the means to more effectively reach any goal you set.

In my latest course “The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic! 7 Powerful & Easy to Understand Techniques to Achieve Your Goal of Heath, Career, Relationships, Finance and Love!” you will learn how to use meditation, Intuition and your Innate Psychic Powers to reach the goals you set through “Guided Meditation.” (By the way, everyone is born with psychic abilities, it just gets lost over the years…)

You’ll also learn the 2 things you absolutely need to do for your meditation to work! You will be exposed to each lesson in detail and will be given the tools to fully access your inner psychic.

Once you have done this then you will be able to unleash the power that you have inside of you to achieve your goals effortlessly!

To your success!

Annette Sassou

About the Author:

Annette Sassou is a Medium and Life Coach, founder of "The Ultimate Guide to Unleash Your Inner Psychic" Get her 5 FREE lessons on how to end constant fights with your spouse, avoid burn out in your career and stop paying a fortune on costly psychics at

Monday, March 24, 2008

The 15-Minute Miracle

That Joe Vitale, from The Secret, is one busy guy.

He seems to crank out books faster than I can read them ...or even think about reading them. Last year he wrote a book called ZERO LIMITS.You may have heard about it ... or perhaps even read it.

If youhaven't heard about it, please keep reading ...

It's about a doctor who cured patients in an asylum for the criminally-insane with an unusual method of treatment. A method so incredible I laughed the first time I heard about it.

But the asylum was eventually shut down after four years because the patientswere cured and subsequently released.

How did the doctor do it?

By repeating four short simple phrases over and over again ... withouteven meeting the patients!What are the phrases?Well, I'll let Joe Vitale tell you what they are.

Go here to watch the video: The 15-Minute Miracle

The story is amazing.

Enjoy and many blessings -- Ron

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Hello Friend,

I signed up for this cool newsletter from Jeff Staniforth about creating affirmations and I wanted to pass it along to you. If you like what you read, you may wish to sign up yourself for his newsletter at

You'll need to look on the left hand side of the web page for the subscriber link.

This is issue #1. I'm looking forward to more.

Blessings -- Ron

"Why Do Some Affirmations *Work* - and Others Don't?"
- by Jeff Staniforth
By definition, an affirmation is a statement repeated time
and again either verbally or mentally -- or written down.
The words of the affirmation statement - in themselves -
when spoken, thought of, or written *without* a pictorial
(visualized) or emotional connection -- make a very weak
Affirmations, when worded correctly -- and when emotionally
charged - are able to tap into the unlimited creative power
of your subconscious mind, and manifest your desires.
Affirmations are not all created equal. Some are, of
course, better than others. There are *power affirmations*
that have been proven again and again to work - and I'll
reveal some of them in a moment.
When you examine the structure of these power affirmations,
you, too, can learn how to create your own powerful
affirmations for your specific purposes.
Consider the following:
"I am what I choose to be."
"All my needs are met instantaneously."
"I love and accept myself exactly as I am."
"_____________ comes to me easily and effortlessly."
(Fill in the blank with what you desire.)
"I am now perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit."
"I now create my wonderful, ideal life."
What do the above power affirmations have in common?
1) They're stated in the present tense.
An affirmation is more effective when stated in the present
tense. For example; "I now have a wonderful job." Avoid
affirming something in the future tense, e.g. "I am going to
have a wonderful job" or the results will always be waiting
to happen.
2) They express a positive statement.
Affirmations need to be stated in the most positive terms
possible. Avoid negative statements. Affirm what you do
want, rather than what you don't want. For example: "I am
no longer sick." This is a negative statement. Instead,
affirm: "I am now perfectly healthy in body, mind and
spirit." This statement is much more powerful as it is
positive and reinforces your desired goal and doesn't
confuse your subconscious mind with the mention of the
undesirable condition.
3) They're short and specific.
Short affirmations are easy to say, and have a far greater
impact at the subconscious level than those which are long
and wordy. Keeping them specific and to the point adds
power as the idea is uncluttered by extraneous elements.
The mechanics that make affirmations powerful are:
* Repetition
The importance of repetition cannot be overemphasized. It
imprints the affirmation into your subconscious mind.
* Emotions
Get involved, be passionate, use your emotions. Think
carefully about the meaning of the words as you repeat them
rather than just writing, typing or saying them.
* Persistence
Practicing affirmations with persistence achieves results
much sooner than practicing them periodically. Successive
sessions will have a compounding effect.
* Belief
You don't necessarily have to believe your affirmation
initially, in order for it to work. Belief will grow with
your forthcoming successes. What you do need is the ability
to *feel* what it would be like when the desire you're
affirming is fulfilled, or your need met. Every time that
you have a need -- and that need is met -- a certain
"feeling" is produced in you. You need to evoke that same
feeling when you state your affirmation. In other words,
you need to feel with every fiber of your being that what
you desire has already happened. Without this feeling, your
affirmation is powerless.

* Impress Yourself
Personalize your affirmations. They must *resonate* with
you -- feel right for you. The stronger your connection
with the affirmation, the deeper the impression it makes on
your mind, and the sooner you will experience positive
So there you have it - the simple formula for creating
affirmations that work. Based on the above, you can easily
create your own affirmations to manifest any desire or need
you have in life.
2. TIP: Although the practice of affirmations is easy,
some people find it challenging to repeat the affirmations
continuously while maintaining the highly charged emotional
state necessary in making affirmations work. DID YOU
KNOW... that you can use your computer to make the
affirmation process effortless - and that you can automate
those challenging aspects (such as maintaining highly
charged emotions), and thereby, manifest your desires more
Go to to find out how.
"If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams,
and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined, you
will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."
-- Henry David Thoreau
4. IN THE NEXT ISSUE... will learn why affirmations work well when you seek
money or material possessions - along with my power
affirmations for attracting money.
If you like this newsletter, please take a moment to forward
it to your friends, co-workers, colleagues or anyone else
you think might benefit from it.

Message sent to you by:

Ron Peer
Secrets of The Secret
The Secret Visualization
Secrets of The Secret Course

Monday, February 11, 2008

Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

I ran across this article about how our minds affect our physical reality and wanted to share it with you.

Blessings, Ron


Turn Your Dreams Into Reality... Literally

by Jim Francis

The mind does not make an appearance within physical reality, but the brain is based in physical reality, and likewise our dreamsoccupy the same space as the mind.....that is, no space at all. The images that appear in dreams appear as "forms" in otherrealities and they are not restricted by our physical reality rulesof time, space and growth. They involve the materialization of spontaneous constructions which would normally not occur in ourphysical world.

Dreams are a continuous flowing process which run continuously in the wide awake and the dream states. While we are in the wide awake state they run subconsciously. The materializations we create in our dreams have no mass in ourphysical reality but may have the equivalent of mass in other realities.

In the dream state the personality is molded and changed via actions that do not exist in the physical universe. These dreambased subjective events eventually manipulate physical matter and events for the individual concerned, depending upon how they have consciously or subconsciously programmed their dreams.

One persons dream affects another's and that person is in turnaffected by the neighbor's dreams. In many cases dreams (in slightly different formats) are shared by two or more people and in some cases close-knit communities haveshared mass dreams. SETH says that we have "mass" dreams that occur just above thelevel relating to the collective unconscious. If we are able totune in to these dreams (and some individuals can) we would gain animpression of what our society is collectively dreaming.....which would then give us an indication of future events, as our dreams format our future, both individually and collectively.

Sometimes these collective dreams contain enough power to significantly alter the future, for better or for worse. It isinteresting to note that the dreams of one very powerful individualcan affect the dreams of thousands of other people and this type ofindividual is capable of becoming a leader or "Guru". They generally become known in the dream state first and arerecognized in the physical world later.

Through very intense emotional focus you can create a form thenproject it to another person who may then perceive it. This may bedone consciously or unconsciously. The presence of this form cannow be detected by sensitive scientific instruments. During the dreaming state your awareness is focused in anotherreality that is in every way as permanent and valid as the physicalreality universe.

During sleep only a small amount of your energy is focused in the physical field.....enough to maintain the bodily functions only. The dream universe is also composed of a molecular structure, but takes up no space as we know it.

It is continuous but your awareness of it is normally limited to your sleep/dreaming periods. The events in the dream reality are as meaningful as the events in your physical world and indeed are interrelated. One affects theother.....and vice versa.

This is why it is possible (and extremely easy) to program up dreams which have an almost immediate effect inyour physical universe. One of the easiest and most effective types of dream that you can pre-program relates to your physical health. Sometimes a correctlyprogrammed dream can cause almost miraculous improvements to your health in as little as 12 hours.


This was taken from "Dream Programming" - part of the fascinating free 7-part ecourse available at


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Ron Peer
Secrets of The Secret
The Secret Visualization
The Secret Course

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Secret on Oprah -- One Year Follow Up

Quick News Alert!
Just found out that Oprah is doing a one-year follow up to
The Secret on her show tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 6th.
Check your local TV listings for times.
Go here for more info from Oprah's website:

Monday, January 14, 2008

No Mo' Ho Ho Ho

Okay, this is a little off-topic but I wrote a radio-style play (a la Garrison Keillor) that was performed at Creative Living Fellowship here in Phoenix on December 30th. It's very wacky and deals with a depressed, post-Christmas Santa visiting his therapist. It's definitely a "bit inside" since it deals with Science of Mind and some of the church personnel. But it's a lot of fun!

Go here to listen:

CLF Radio Play

You may have to click on the play button twice to get the file to load. :)

The cast is as follows:

Narrator - John Halliburton
Santa - Sandy Gibbons
Psychiatrist (very Freudian) - Ron Peer
Mrs. Claus - Jan Wethers
Henry the Elf - Rick Hendel
Dr. Michele - Michele Whittington
Dr. Mitzi - Mitzi Lynton
Dr. Ernest Holmes, DVM - Rick Hendel
Sound effects by Beverlee Cochrane