Sunday, January 21, 2007

Three Ways to Apply the Law of Attraction More Effectively by Marc De Bruin

The Law of Attraction is cause for everything we experience. Just as the Law of Gravity dictates that what goes up must come down, so does the Law of Attraction stipulate that what you consistently think about and feel about is going to come about, regardless of whether the result is good or bad for you.

Now there is a lot going on around the Law of Attraction, with films like The Secret and What the Bleep having been released, and I've written a couple of articles on the topic already.
To summarise the Law very briefly: your thoughts are powerful vibrations. They actually determine how we are going to feel physically. Thinking about something nice makes us feel great, thinking about something nasty makes us feel grotty (excuse the language). Our thoughts, in combination with feelings, form a major sort of magnet. This magnet pulls in experiences that match the object of our thoughts and feelings. So, if you are constantly worried about something happening, chances are that that exact or very similar thing actually will happen. On the other hand, when you desire something really strongly and keep your focus on it, you will most likely get it too. That is the practical application of the Law of Attraction. It does not discriminate between what is "good" and what is "bad", it only produces what you focus on and feel emotions around consistently.

The question I hear many clients asking in relationship to the Law of Attraction is:
I have been thinking about what I want for a long time, and I have been feeling good about it as well. Still, what I want hasn't occurred yet. Thinking more about what I want slowly starts to make me feel bad, actually, because I am not seeing the results. Am I doing something wrong, and if yes, what?

It's a good question. Even I get caught in this thought trap so now and then.

Having studied and consciously applied the Law of Attraction for some years now, I have found there are three steps you can take to release yourself from the grip of this downward spiral.
1: Be aware of your feelings, and if necessary, make a course correction. Your feelings are your GPS (Global Positioning System, for the non-techies) as far as creation is concerned. Feeling bad means you are moving away from what you want, feeling good means you are moving towards what you want. When you are feeling bad, you GPS is telling you that you are not focusing on your desire, but on the lack or absence of it. The remedy: gain renewed focus on what it is that you want, and do that until you feel good. Why do you want what you want? Why is it making you feel good? What will the end result give you? Think about that.

2: Let go of your attachment to the outcome. This is still an interesting one for myself, sometimes. When we set a goal, we focus on the final result (obviously). Where we often go off-track, is that we do not allow ourselves to feel good until we reach that final result. And even worse, we get completely frustrated and disappointed when we don't get the result, or don't get it soon enough. Of course, that defeats the whole purpose of setting our goal; the instant we feel bad, we -sort of- cancel our order, and start to focus on the absence of our desire. That's not going to get us what we want.

Like it to ordering a coffee: you really fancy a cup of coffee, so you place an order at the counter and take a seat somewhere. Joyfully expecting, you start to find it takes quite a while. And a while. And a while. After waiting an even longer while, you're now quite annoyed and leave the coffee shop, intending never to return to that stupid place again......How do you think you are ever going to get your coffee when you walk away????? But that is what we do when we start to feel bad in relationship to our desire! We run away from our "order".

Every self development guru will tell you it is not important what you get; what is important is the person you become in the process of working towards your goal. Can you stay focused on your desire without being attached to the outcome? That is where personal growth occurs. Not in the achievement of your goal as such. There is a Dutch saying which goes: possession is the end of pleasure. And it is true. Whatever you acquire, after a while it feels "normal" to have it, and then you want more. The remedy in this case: go for what you want, but let go of the attachment to it. Just focus on the process at hand, the steps you need to take now. Trust, know and have patience; if you have placed you order and it makes you feel good thinking about that, you can trust the result to come to you. You can just not set a specific time frame on it. The only thing I know: the better you feel, the sooner it will be there!

3. Appreciate your present position. This links in with point 2: you must, in order to feel good, be appreciative of what you already have, even while striving for more. If you are not happy with your current state, then thinking about what you could have will not make you feel great at all. It will only make you feel worse about your present circumstances! By whatever means possible, feel appreciation for yourself, your circumstances, your environment, for everything, really. If you then go for more, you will not get hung up on not having it yet, but can be joyful in expecting it. You can trust the Law of Attraction to bring the results to you, just as you can trust that day follows night.

Creation really is simple. So simple that we often exclaim it cannot be that simple. That is where we are off-track. We are not doing something wrong, we are just making a thought mistake. Start applying the above three principles, and you will slowly but surely start to see the results. As certain as you can be that throwing a ball up means it will come back down!
If you want to know more about these three steps, feel free to email me! I am more than happy to answer any remaining questions.

Marc is a certified life/business coach, master NLP Practitioner and Body Stress Release Practitioner on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. He specialises in restoring people's health, and coaching professionals and small business owners at critical junctions in their careers and/or lives, using the all-encompassing Law of Attraction. Marc inspires his clients to find out what has been hindering them all along in achieving what they want, and to then make the conscious choice to take their lives and/or careers to the next level. Having been a lawyer for nearly 6 years in his “previous life”, before immigrating to Australia from The Netherlands, Marc knows exactly how daunting taking the first step in a new direction can be. On the other hand, he also knows how fulfilling taking that step is, and has the knack of imparting his knowledge and wisdom in a stunningly simple and highly effective way.Call him or email him at to arrange for a complimentary face-to-face or phone session!

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