Thursday, October 05, 2006

Law of Attraction: Does Your Manifesting Formula Add Up? by Jeannette Maw

Manifesting what we want requires a balance between two parts: action and thought. Inspired action and right thought are crucial ingredients to making the impossible happen. Getting the right mix between these elements is crucial for successful deliberate creation.

Many of us tend to rely on one over the other in manifesting our desires. For example, roughly a third of my clients rely primarily on thought to create what they want, while two-thirds are inclined toward action. No matter which way you lean, if you’re out of balance with one or the other your manifesting efforts are handicapped.

What is inspired action?

Simply put, inspired action is action that feels good. It’s taking the step that lifts your energy; following your intuition; or somehow getting the energy moving in the physical world. It could look like making a call to a new connection, purchasing a book that catches your attention, attending an intriguing workshop, or even taking a nap!

What is right thought?

Right thoughts are thoughts in alignment with what you want. They create a vibration in accordance with the end result you desire. Right thoughts feel good, point you in the right direction, and support inspired action.

How do you know if you’ve got a good balance? The evidence of your life will tell you. Are things happening the way you’d like? Or are you struggling to make your wish list come true? If you’re not making progress towards your goal, look at the two ingredients to the manifesting formula to see whether you’re light on inspired action or right thought.

Adding emphasis to the missing element is magical. Creating a balance of right thought with inspired action will catapult your success!

If Action is Missing

If you realize your thoughts are in alignment with your desire, but you haven’t taken any steps in the physical world to allow it to manifest, here’s a tip for creating inspired action.
Whatever your goal or intention is, conduct yourself as if you’ve already achieved it. Act as if you already are the success you desire.

For example, if you want to drop a few pounds, act as if you already have. What would a lighter person wear today? What would a size smaller girl eat for breakfast? How would an ideal weight guy answer the phone? What would he do for fun tonight? Become the lower-weight person with your actions, and your body will reflect your new vibration.

Acting as if is a powerful tool for creating vibrational alignment!

If Right Thought Is Missing

If you’re taking plenty of action that feels good but thoughts are running amok, here’s one remedy. Imagine the end result you want and place yourself in this scene of success. Now ask yourself what beliefs allowed you to create this success. What were the thought patterns that allowed you to manifest this achievement?

Suppose financial abundance is your goal. As you imagine your prosperous lifestyle, what beliefs do you hold that facilitated that success? Perhaps you knew you were capable of anything. Maybe it was that you believed financial abundance was your birthright or natural state. Or maybe you knew your time would come, or that the Universe has your best interests at heart.

Whatever thought pattern you identify as being in accordance with this imaginary manifestation, bring that to life now. Use affirmations or mantras to enhance those supportive beliefs in your present daily life. Create a regular routine for incorporating these thoughts into your mind. After all: as you think, so shall it be!

Bottom line - getting what we want isn’t as hard as we often make it out to be. Combining inspired action with right thoughts allows us to make miracles happen. Happy Manifesting!

Jeannette Maw is an Attraction Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching in Salt Lake City, Utah who helps clients get what they want, once and for all. Free tips to make your wish list come true are yours by signing up for her monthly "Get What You Want" ezine at

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