Thursday, November 16, 2006

Video: Quotations from The Secret

Monday, November 06, 2006

Do You Know The Secret?

If not, why not?

And what exactly am I talking about anyway?

I’m talking about the hot movie going around the internet called The Secret. It’s available to be watched on the web or can be purchased on DVD at The movie is sweeping spiritual communities across the country, being shown in church after church, state after state. The buzz just keeps growing.

So what is The Secret?

It’s the Law of Attraction.

Simply stated that means “like attracts like.” The energy that you give out, is the energy that is returned to you. Or even, “what goes around, comes around.”
You attract into your life whatever you focus on – whether it’s negative or positive, whether you want it or not. That is the truth of the Law of attraction, plain and simple. It is a universal prinicple.

Let’s say you’re worried about not having enough money (a common complaint, to be sure) and you wish to have more in your bank account.

Well, focusing on NOT having enough invokes the Law of Attraction to continue your predominant thought – not having enough. As you think, so you receive. So what you must do is picture yourself, FEEL yourself, being prosperous. Yes, feeling is critical. It makes all the difference in the strength of your manifestation.

Feel what it would feel like to have a checking account filled seven figures … even better -- eight figures! Picture those numbers on your monthly bank statement. Visualize those numbers clearly in your mind, see the printed numerals on the page itself. Feel what it would be like to be that wealthy. Feel the freedom from burden, freedom from stress. Shift it further. Feel the excitement of being able to do ANYTHING you want. Cost is no longer an issue. Feel yourself starting to soar with your new potential.

But keep going. Visualize yourself using that wealth. Put it to good use. Maybe visualize driving a high-powered sports car, sailing on a yacht around the world, or holding extravagant parties at your chateau in the south of France. Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. Not as long as your desire puts you in a high vibrational state. That’s the key to manifesting whatever you want. Getting into the highest vibrational state you possibly can and holding that state for as long as you can. At first, this may seem difficult, but with time it will get easier. It will even become fun.

Now you may ask yourself HOW this new-found prosperity is supposed to occur? What do you have to do? That’s the magic of the Law of Attraction. It is not your job to know how it will occur. It is your job to hold a clear vision of what it is you want and FEEL it into existence.
As you continue to so do, strange things will being to occur. People, places, and circumstances will show up in your life in ways that you couldn't have planned for. Opportunities will “fall into your lap.” Your job is to watch for these opportunities, then follow them. Trust your intuition and take the steps necessary to move forward into your new life of prosperity. Follow the guideposts.

As the Bible states, “It is done unto you as you believe.”

And that, my friends, is the secret of the Law of Attraction.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Law of Attraction and War

The Law of Attraction and War
By Kenneth MacLean

For the past 5,000 years mankind has divided himself into competing camps. If you read history books, they’re largely composed of who fought what war where and over what.

Historically when a lord had a dispute with another, he mobilized his serfs, gave them weapons and sent them off to fight against his enemies’ serfs. Modernly, wars are fought between governments. When the United States declared war on Germany during World War II, it was in fact the government of the United States that declared war on the government of Germany. The number of policy makers in each government was very small. Nowadays, we make war on countries with a minimum of effort The current war in Iraq was begun in 2002, after a handful of policy makers in the U.S. government thought it would be a good idea, even though the claimed basis for the war (discovery of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and the linkage of Saddam Hussein to Al–Queda and 9/11) had no basis in fact!

It would appear that, throughout history, wars are fought by a small group of elites against another small group of elites, with the populations of combatant countries in the middle, helpless to do anything about it.

An understanding of the Law of Attraction and the Law of vibration, however, tells us otherwise.

There’s an old saying in politics that a country gets the government it deserves. The Law of Attraction says that it is impossible for anything to manifest in the physical universe without a co–incident matching of vibrational frequencies. Therefore, the war in Iraq is not the sole responsibility of George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Condi Rice. The vibrational proclivity for war within the consciousness of the population is mainly responsible. For it is undeniable that if the people of the United States abhorred war, there would not arise such an aggressive policy. And if such a policy was forwarded, it would die a quick death. That is because it is not possible for a seed to grow in unfertile ground. Just as a tomato requires a certain soil, temperature and growing conditions in order to bear fruit, so too do governmental policies and those who advance them. Mr. Bush, it seems, is a perfect reflection of the vibrational resonance within the country.

Those who wish to put a halt to the war in Iraq have already missed the train, because the tracks have already been built, the coalhouse stoked, the wheels greased, and the engine started. Once that locomotive gets moving, standing in front of it is futile.

In order to prevent future wars, the consciousness of the population must change. One cannot do that by fighting, resisting, or protesting. The usual strategy is to protest the war, to stir up opposition and make it impossible for policy makers to continue its prosecution. However, by protesting war, you place your attention on war. Vibrationally, opposing war is a perfect vibrational match to those who wish to prosecute war. That’s because the common denominator of both sides is war! This was nowhere more evident in the election of 2004. Republicans and conservatives sang the praises of George Bush, while liberals and Democrats did…what? Did they promote the sterling qualities of their candidate, or work for peace? Well, a few did. But the vast majority spent their efforts opposing George Bush! Michael Moore’s movie was a (well–intentioned) polemic against Bush, focusing attention even more on W. In my personal circle of friends and acquaintances, the talk was all about the evils of Bush. Because the focus of most of the country was on Bush, his election was inevitable. Vibrationally speaking, it was a no–brainer.
Whatever you resist, persists. When you resist something, you feed energy to it, and make it bigger!

The War on Terrorism is a perfect example of a misguided policy. “War” and “terrorism” are perfectly matched, vibrationally speaking. The Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction assure us that each will act to reinforce the other.

The point is, once a vibration has become established, activated, and agreed upon by many, it tends to entrain other, weaker, vibrations to it. However, the higher the vibration, the more powerful it is! Like an old junker car in constant need of repair, the tired old memes of competition, conflict, and war must be continually promoted and kept alive within the consciousness of individuals. Conflict is unnatural, something learned, a bad habit. It is NOT “human nature.” The higher vibrations are so powerful that in their presence even an angry, violent person will calm. When an individual understands this, he or she becomes a powerful vortex for positive change. When a person demonstrates these positive characteristics in life, they can have a profound effect on others.

Only when enough individuals begin to resonate to war (or anything negative) can it become a group phenomenon! A group is just a collection of individuals resonating to the same thing. While it is true that a group vibration can be very powerful, it is always based upon individual vibrations. Therein lies the power of an individual to change the group consciousness!

What is the solution for those who do not want war, but can find no way to prevent it?

It is to focus on peace. Or prosperity. Or happiness. Or anything that is vibrationally above the level of war. This rule applies to anything not wanted, because the Law of Vibration tells us that focusing on A will activate A, even if you are working to change it. Try not to think of an elephant!

Raising the tone of our society as a whole can only be accomplished by individuals, one heart and mind at a time.

The best way to prevent war is to be, yourself, a beacon of light. This may seem to be a complete non–sequitor, but it’s not. Your sphere of influence is incredibly powerful. By becoming a living example of someone who is appreciative of the life you are living, you become joyful and spread that joy to others.

Attaining and manifesting the higher vibrations do not require loud protests or incendiary speeches. A smile, a friendly greeting, or helpful assistance can remind others of their divine nature and, like a stone dropped into a pool of water, create positive ripple effects. Have you ever experienced (or seen) someone joyfully aid another? I remember seeing a man give up his cab to a harassed woman on a busy downtown street. The look of gratitude on her face is something I’ll never forget. I can imagine her talking about that to her friends. “Do you know what happened to me today? This guy let me have his cab so I could get to my interview on time. I was so grateful…” Stories like these spread like wildfire, by word of mouth.

Raising the consciousness of others is much easier than you think! You don’t have to give seminars or make million dollar movies to spread the word. In a vibrational universe, the spoken word is not as important as the intent and the vibration behind those words. Your positive intent sends strong signals into the thought–substance of the mass consciousness, enabling others to pick up on them, and neutralizing more negative vibrations. Especially if you act on those generous impulses! That feeling of wanting to give to another is an expression of your true, divine nature, and is always accompanied by a rush of well–being. Others pick up on that feeling instantly.

Therefore, if you want peace, study war no more. Instead, focus on the higher vibrations of peace and joy. “Yes, but you’re ignoring all those who are suffering from war.” That is true. In order to make war (or anything undesirable) impossible, one must ignore it, and create positively! That doesn’t mean you cannot help those suffering in war zones, if that is your wish. But the Law of Attraction demands that if you are to be successful, your help must be given freely and joyfully, without censure or judgment, and in the spirit of well–being for all.

The Law of Attraction, like the other four universal principles, are woven into the very fabric of the universe. The laws of matter and energy reflect these universal laws, as do the complex pattern of human relationships. War and conflict are not inevitable, they are in fact a turning away from man’s basic nature. Begin today to do your part in establishing a more peaceful and prosperous world for all, and let yourself experience the well–being that is who you really are. It’s been there, right inside you all along. All you have to do is let it out!

Popular writer Kenneth James Michael MacLean has written 6 books and numerous essays.
For more information, go to
For free eBooks, go to

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Can I Use the Law of Attraction to Lose Weight?

Can I Use the Law of Attraction to Lose Weight?
By Michael Losier

Some of the most popular questions I get asked by e-mail or at seminars is can I use Law of Attraction to attract more money, attract an ideal mate or to lose weight? Yes, you can use Law of Attraction to lose body weight, and I’m going to share with you my own personal journey on reducing my body weight over the past four years.

I used the Law of Attraction to attract the things I needed to do, know or have that were in alignment with my goal. Your list will likely be different than mine, but at the same time, only YOU know what YOU have to attract into your life to help YOU lose your body weight. The key is to pay attention to what you’re attracting and see if it’s in alignment with your desire to reduce your body weight. And if it feels good – DO IT.

Here is what I attracted and how it has helped me:
On Tour and Traveling with Sandy - First I attracted my assistant Sandy’s help. In 2005, Sandy and I traveled to 65 cities to deliver seminars. Before we arrived in each city, Sandy knew where the local health-conscious grocery stores were located, our favorite being Whole Foods Market®. (We especially loved the one located near Central Park, NY). Sandy’s eating habits and nutritional education has been very helpful to me and she has been totally supportive of my own newfound eating habits. Thanks Sandy.

My Daily Hiking/Running partner Geoff – Since 2002, I have been hiking in old growth forests in the west coast of Canada near my home in Victoria, BC. During the first year, Geoff and I hiked every weekend only... what a commitment that was for me! Plus for all of 2005 and so far in 2006, we have diligently hiked and/or run 6 mornings a week when I’m home. We meet at a local park at 5:30 a.m. each day and start from there on our journey and hike every morning… that’s where I get all of my energy! Thanks Geoff.

I have core muscles – That was a surprise to me. My dedicated fitness trainer, Astrid spent a year with me teaching me how to use my core muscle in my hiking, running, walking and during exercises. Astrid kept me on track. I owe the core muscle training all the credit for keeping me so active – especially on my 5K running schedule. Astrid is a Medical Exercise Specialist/Nationally Certified Personal Trainer. I highly recommend her "90-Day Healthy Habit Former" Check it out at Thanks Astrid.

Metabolism Education - Wanting to learn more about my metabolism, I had my friend Anna Kanary provide me with some excellent information about a metabolism balancing clinic called SureSlim® Learning how to balance my metabolism (without having to use drugs or pills) has dramatically decreased my body size. Thanks Anna.
Eliminated food cravings – In 2004, my good friend Linda Storey, held a workshop in Victoria, BC, called "How to Use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to Eliminate Food Cravings and Habits". At that workshop I used the EFT process (it’s SO simple!), to "tap away" any interest, cravings or desires I had for the following foods: french fries; bread; potato chips; soda pop; and ju jubes, and I have since yet to have indulged in any of those foods in over two years. That’s why I refer to Linda Storey as the ‘Queen of Removing Food Cravings’! Contact Linda at She can help you too! Thanks Linda.

As you can see these were the five prominent things that I attracted. There have been many, many more attractions such as watching a documentary on metabolism on television and watching a program on how to hike when you’re overweight. These are all positive manifestations that are all in alignment to my desire to lose weight. If you see me on my seminar tour this year and you’ve seen me ‘live’ before, you will definitely notice my weight loss.
Raise your vibrations around attracting everything you need to do, know or have so you too can reduce your body weight and have a happy slender body if that is one of your desires.

Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hey, Law of Attraction, I Didn't Ask for This!

Hey, Law of Attraction, I Didn't Ask for This!
By Kate Corbin

“What you resist sticks to you like glue.” – Judith Orloff

The Law of Attraction states that you will attract into your Life whatever you focus on – whether you want it or not. Therefore, although you may not have gotten what you wanted, you did get what you asked for.

You Always Get What You Ask For. If the waiter serves you something you truly dislike, keep in mind that the Cosmic Café never gets an order wrong. You never get something you did not request. You are never served someone else’s order by mistake.

Q: Waiter, I hate Brussels sprouts. Why do you keep bringing me Brussels sprouts? A: I keep bringing you Brussels sprouts, young man, because you keep focusing on Brussels sprouts.

Q: Waiter, I distinctly ordered the roast duck and you brought me a hot dog. A: Well, Sir, you do not order in words. You order vibrationally. To get roast duck, you must vibrate roast duck.

Q: Waiter, why did you bring me the veggie plate when I requested the escargot? A: Well, Madam, although you say you want the escargot, you are not vibrating escargot. You are definitely vibrating veggie plate.

So what do you do when you’re served something you definitely do not want? You place another order. You place an order for what you want clearly and specifically and with all the passion you can muster. Then you give your full attention to what you do want.

Place Another Order. Let’s say you manifest your dream job and later learn that it requires significant amounts of travel, which makes balancing the other aspects of your life more challenging. Not a problem. Now that you’re clearer about what you do want, place another order by specifically focusing on a job with no travel or minimal travel. As you focus on this desire, either the travel part of your current job will be reduced or you’ll attract another job with the perfect amount of travel. Hold your gaze unwaveringly on what you do want so that you offer a clear signal rather than a fuzzy vibration.

Max claimed to be surprised when he was laid off from his job. Closer inspection revealed that, some months earlier, he had declared – “I hate my job. I’m ready for a job I love.” The Universe believed him and got him out of that miserable position. It was not immediately clear to him that this was evidence of the Law of Attraction working on his behalf, and he did spend a few days feeling shocked. However, he soon recognized that he was now free to find more fulfilling work. As he was able to quit listening to his own negative self-talk and the fear-based advice of family members telling him to “just get a job, any job,” he held out until he found – you guessed it – a job he loves.

Who Ya Gonna Blame? If you don’t understand that you have created an unwanted situation in your life through your thoughts and feelings, you may look for excuses. You may play the karma card, blame your mother, or curse your bad luck. When you realize that your life is the way it is because of the way you direct your thoughts – and for no other reason – you can seize the power to design your destiny.

When you apply the Law of Attraction and order with focus and clarity, the Cosmic Café will serve you the most delicious life you could ever imagine!

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her e-book, Dining at the Cosmic Café: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire, are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her e-book, and subscribe to Magical Musings, visit

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Law of Attraction: Does Your Manifesting Formula Add Up? by Jeannette Maw

Manifesting what we want requires a balance between two parts: action and thought. Inspired action and right thought are crucial ingredients to making the impossible happen. Getting the right mix between these elements is crucial for successful deliberate creation.

Many of us tend to rely on one over the other in manifesting our desires. For example, roughly a third of my clients rely primarily on thought to create what they want, while two-thirds are inclined toward action. No matter which way you lean, if you’re out of balance with one or the other your manifesting efforts are handicapped.

What is inspired action?

Simply put, inspired action is action that feels good. It’s taking the step that lifts your energy; following your intuition; or somehow getting the energy moving in the physical world. It could look like making a call to a new connection, purchasing a book that catches your attention, attending an intriguing workshop, or even taking a nap!

What is right thought?

Right thoughts are thoughts in alignment with what you want. They create a vibration in accordance with the end result you desire. Right thoughts feel good, point you in the right direction, and support inspired action.

How do you know if you’ve got a good balance? The evidence of your life will tell you. Are things happening the way you’d like? Or are you struggling to make your wish list come true? If you’re not making progress towards your goal, look at the two ingredients to the manifesting formula to see whether you’re light on inspired action or right thought.

Adding emphasis to the missing element is magical. Creating a balance of right thought with inspired action will catapult your success!

If Action is Missing

If you realize your thoughts are in alignment with your desire, but you haven’t taken any steps in the physical world to allow it to manifest, here’s a tip for creating inspired action.
Whatever your goal or intention is, conduct yourself as if you’ve already achieved it. Act as if you already are the success you desire.

For example, if you want to drop a few pounds, act as if you already have. What would a lighter person wear today? What would a size smaller girl eat for breakfast? How would an ideal weight guy answer the phone? What would he do for fun tonight? Become the lower-weight person with your actions, and your body will reflect your new vibration.

Acting as if is a powerful tool for creating vibrational alignment!

If Right Thought Is Missing

If you’re taking plenty of action that feels good but thoughts are running amok, here’s one remedy. Imagine the end result you want and place yourself in this scene of success. Now ask yourself what beliefs allowed you to create this success. What were the thought patterns that allowed you to manifest this achievement?

Suppose financial abundance is your goal. As you imagine your prosperous lifestyle, what beliefs do you hold that facilitated that success? Perhaps you knew you were capable of anything. Maybe it was that you believed financial abundance was your birthright or natural state. Or maybe you knew your time would come, or that the Universe has your best interests at heart.

Whatever thought pattern you identify as being in accordance with this imaginary manifestation, bring that to life now. Use affirmations or mantras to enhance those supportive beliefs in your present daily life. Create a regular routine for incorporating these thoughts into your mind. After all: as you think, so shall it be!

Bottom line - getting what we want isn’t as hard as we often make it out to be. Combining inspired action with right thoughts allows us to make miracles happen. Happy Manifesting!

Jeannette Maw is an Attraction Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching in Salt Lake City, Utah who helps clients get what they want, once and for all. Free tips to make your wish list come true are yours by signing up for her monthly "Get What You Want" ezine at

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Law of Attraction in Action by Diana Kennedy

Would you like to be able to experience more of what brings you joy in your life? Do you have unmet wants and desires that have left you feeling unfulfilled in some areas of your life? Were you taught that it is our desires that make us unhappy? Whoever taught us that desire is a bad thing was an unempowered person!

Desire is a beautiful thing! It is desire that birthed this world, and it is desire that draws us together to create new life, both physically and metaphysically.

Imagine for a moment that you have a genie in a bottle, or a secret potion or wand that, that gives you the power to zap into being more of what you wish for. The truth is, it doesn’t take a genie in a bottle, a magic wand or a secret potion, although these are fun ‘reminders’ of the awesome power that we hold! We are Divine Beings!

The Bible says we are made "in the image of God" and that “what we reap we sowed.” This means we, like God, are creators! I’ve heard it said that God helps those who help themselves. We must learn how to help ourselves by co-creating, along with God, that which we desire by developing faith and applying focused thought. The best way to pray then is affirmatively, to visualize what we desire as if it is already in our experience, and to give thanks in advance, knowing that what we need and desire is available to us. To pray effectively, we pray affirmatively. A powerful prayer is one of gratitude. The more we count our blessings, the more blessings come to us. Our thoughts and prayers really do create our experiences!

Another way of saying this is to use creative visualization. Creative visualization is the technique of using our imagination to create more of what we want in life. I’ve heard some people say, “I can’t do that, I don’t visualize anything!” There is nothing woo woo about it. You are already using visualization techniques every day - every time you think about what to have for lunch or what you might want to do over the weekend, or even while remembering a special person in your life, you are using your creative imagination! Visualization is the basic creative energy of the universe, which we use constantly, whether or not we aware of it. When we aren’t aware it is called creating by default. When we are setting conscious intentions, we are deliberately co-creating with God, or the Universe.

You may have heard the saying, “Thoughts are things.” Our thoughts, beliefs and feelings are real! They are alive with the spiritual substance that makes up this world. Our thoughts are energized and powerful. Everything we experience in "reality" has its beginnings in the non-physical. Every thought we think is a seed and every time we think the same thought over again, we water that seed. When we think thoughts filled with emotion, we fertilize those thoughts. The more intense our desire, and the degree to which we believe it is possible, the more likely it is to come into our experience and the faster it will manifest. The law of the soil and the law of the mind are the same.

The world is filled with evidence that supports our beliefs. In other words, optimists are confirmed in their optimism, and pessimists are confirmed in their habits of thought also. An optimist expects things to work out somehow, and because they give their attention to what they do want with expectancy, this is what manifests in their experience. The pessimist, on the other hand, generally also creates what they habitually worry about. When pessimists learn how to alter their expectations and beliefs, they too can more deliberately create what they are wanting in life.

I truly believe that everything works towards our highest good, we just need to trust the Universal Laws working through us and use our experiences to expand our consciousness. Let’s use the Law of Attraction to make the world a more joyful and loving place!
"If you could begin to feel appreciation for the fact that desire exists and anticipation about its unfolding, ratherthan disappointment that it has not manifested, your energy would clear up by 95% and your manifestations would begin to flow to you so much more easily." --Abraham-Hicks

Diana Kennedy is the author of Living from Spirit website and free email newsletter. She leads the 9:30am church service at Unity of Tallahassee where she works as Ministerial Assistant. Diana is a licensed massage therapist working at All About You! Massage. She specializes in Relaxation/Deep Tissue massage and spiritual energy balancing. Diana also leads FREE and paid TeleClasses based on the Law of Attraction. To contact her, call 850-878-2130, visit, or email

First Post

Hi! This is a new site dedicated to the Law of Attraction, especially as seen in the hit Internet movie, THE SECRET. Our goal is to inform and enlighten. So sit back in your comfy chair and start visualizing your way to success!!