I ran across this article about how our minds affect our physical reality and wanted to share it with you.
Blessings, Ron
Turn Your Dreams Into Reality... Literally
by Jim Francis
The mind does not make an appearance within physical reality, but the brain is based in physical reality, and likewise our dreamsoccupy the same space as the mind.....that is, no space at all. The images that appear in dreams appear as "forms" in otherrealities and they are not restricted by our physical reality rulesof time, space and growth. They involve the materialization of spontaneous constructions which would normally not occur in ourphysical world.
Dreams are a continuous flowing process which run continuously in the wide awake and the dream states. While we are in the wide awake state they run subconsciously. The materializations we create in our dreams have no mass in ourphysical reality but may have the equivalent of mass in other realities.
In the dream state the personality is molded and changed via actions that do not exist in the physical universe. These dreambased subjective events eventually manipulate physical matter and events for the individual concerned, depending upon how they have consciously or subconsciously programmed their dreams.
One persons dream affects another's and that person is in turnaffected by the neighbor's dreams. In many cases dreams (in slightly different formats) are shared by two or more people and in some cases close-knit communities haveshared mass dreams. SETH says that we have "mass" dreams that occur just above thelevel relating to the collective unconscious. If we are able totune in to these dreams (and some individuals can) we would gain animpression of what our society is collectively dreaming.....which would then give us an indication of future events, as our dreams format our future, both individually and collectively.
Sometimes these collective dreams contain enough power to significantly alter the future, for better or for worse. It isinteresting to note that the dreams of one very powerful individualcan affect the dreams of thousands of other people and this type ofindividual is capable of becoming a leader or "Guru". They generally become known in the dream state first and arerecognized in the physical world later.
Through very intense emotional focus you can create a form thenproject it to another person who may then perceive it. This may bedone consciously or unconsciously. The presence of this form cannow be detected by sensitive scientific instruments. During the dreaming state your awareness is focused in anotherreality that is in every way as permanent and valid as the physicalreality universe.
During sleep only a small amount of your energy is focused in the physical field.....enough to maintain the bodily functions only. The dream universe is also composed of a molecular structure, but takes up no space as we know it.
It is continuous but your awareness of it is normally limited to your sleep/dreaming periods. The events in the dream reality are as meaningful as the events in your physical world and indeed are interrelated. One affects theother.....and vice versa.
This is why it is possible (and extremely easy) to program up dreams which have an almost immediate effect inyour physical universe. One of the easiest and most effective types of dream that you can pre-program relates to your physical health. Sometimes a correctlyprogrammed dream can cause almost miraculous improvements to your health in as little as 12 hours.
This was taken from "Dream Programming" - part of the fascinating free 7-part ecourse available at TheSuperMindEvolutionSystem.com
This message brought to you by:
Ron Peer
Secrets of The Secret
The Secret Visualization
The Secret Course
Monday, February 11, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
The Secret on Oprah -- One Year Follow Up
Quick News Alert!
Just found out that Oprah is doing a one-year follow up to
The Secret on her show tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 6th.
Check your local TV listings for times.
Go here for more info from Oprah's website:
Blessings and happy viewing,
Ron Peer
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